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Class Dinner 07/30/2022
2021 50th Best Ever
65th Birthday Party
2016 45th Reunion
2011 40th Reunion
2010 Mini-Reunion
From the Past
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1971 History/Videos
Paula Akard (Losasso)
Steve Akard
Cheryl Aldredge
Steven Alexander
Richard Alvarado
Rockie Angleton
Mark Antilley
Kathryn Arms
Debby Aycock
Sharon Ayers
Debi Baker (Henry)
Bobby Baldivia
Claudia Bales
Don Bardin
Judy Bare
Max Barker
Rick Barnett
Margaret Battles
David Baucum
Cathy Bell
James Bennett
Janey Bennett
George Berry
Doug Biddle
Lynne Black
Thomas Bliss
David Boren
Donna Boyd
Tommy Boyd
Lynn Bradshaw
Calvin Brown
Jan Bruno
Scott Bryan
Monty Bunch
Shirley Burt
Bernard (Mike) Caffey
Victor Callison
Maria Calvo
June Carlile
Ben Carter
Neva Carter
Barbara Childress
Judy Clark
Janice Cleckler
Cindy Cloud
Deborah Coe
Nelson Colbert
Brit Coleman
Connie Collins
Yvonne Collins
Pam Combs
Jan Compere
Brenda Condra
Caroline Cooper
David Copeland
Juaquina Cortinaz
Shirley Cotten
Thomas Cox
Mark Crain
Keith Crim
Steve Cunningham
Debra Curry (Feuerbacher)
Nickie Dawkins
Mike Dawson
David Degroff
Jim Dodson
Carl Dotson
Gary Douglass
Nina Dunn
Debbie Eaker (Pannell)
Nora Earnest
Mike Ellis
Gary Ellison
Chris England
Charlotte Evans
Richard Fadal
Vickie Faulks
Wanda Fisher
Paul Flores
Robert Flores
Sammy Flores
Thomas Fohn
David Forsyth
Susan Fourment
Janan Fox
Shane Fox
Elaine Freudenberg
Steven Freundenberg
Linda Fricks
Gary Fuller
Lisa Gaeke
Maria Garcia
Billy Garrett
Johnny Garrett
Kay George
Orvaline Gill
Carol Glick
Karen Glover
Karen Goetz
Ronny Grant
Billy R. Gray
Rick Gray
Patsy Green
Glenn Hall
Linda Hall
David Hand
Kristie Harbin
Ronny Hardaway
Eric Hardegree
Kay Harrison
Debbie Havins
Steve Heatherly
Laura Hebert
Jerilyn Hedden
Paula Henderson
Pam Hendrix
Jerry Henry
Marsha Henry
Maxie Henson
Candelaria Hernandez
Natalie Hernandez
Carol Higgins
Jana Beth Hill (Rizzuto)
Sandra Hill (Hamrick)
Jo Ann Holt
Jan Hoppe
Chuck Hutchins
Robert Ivy
Annette James (Bell)
Tim Jenkins
Susie Jerden
Deborah Jersey
Judy Joeris
Cathy Johnson
Larry Johnson
Beverly Jones
Patricia Jones
Jimmy Joy
Jeff Keeper
Rick A. Kelley
Tony Kelley
Randy Kemp
Dave Knight
Sandra Landers
James Langley
Robert Lathrop
Alan Leggett
James Lewis
Darline Lilly
Mike Logsdon
Pedro Lopez
Sheri Loyd
Brenda Luckie
James McBride
Robert McBride
Brenda McCarty
Lynn McElroy
Daniel McFaul
Guy McNutt
Gloria Mills
Jorja Mitchell
Richard Moncibaiz
Julie Montgomery
Bob Moon
Cathy Moon
Gerald Moore
Willi Jeanne Moore
Cynthia Morse
Andy Murphy
Royce Myers
Janice Nix
Lark Nunnally
Ronald O'Gorman
Jesus Ortega
Lyda Owens
David Penns
James Perry
Joe Petree
James Phillips
John Pierce
Leslie Price (Jordan)
Philip Price
Martha Ramon
Cheryl Randolph
Saundra Rascoe
Bobby Reed
Betty Rives
Donnie Rives
Susan Roberts
Sharon Robeson
Earlene Robinson
Joe Rodriquez
Mary Rodriquez
Rachel Rodriquez
Byron Rogers
Gwen Rogers
Jim Rogers
Pat Rucker
Tommy Runyan
Gary Ruska
Colleen Saltzman
Carlos Sanchez
Rosa Sanchez
Charlette Saterfield
Roger Paul Schmidt
Sue Scott
Brenda Shank (Brown)
Rosemary Shorthouse
Brenda Simpson
Alice Simson
Merlene Slough
Owen Smedley
Beverly Smith
Kathy Smith (Strickland)
Mark Smith
Jesse Solis
Sandra Solis
David Sommers
Janice Sorrells
Roy Starkey
Tommy Stewart
Linda Stockdell
Bobby Talbert
Barbara Tarpley
Bill Taylor
Jimmy Taylor
Mary Taylor
Kenneth Terry
Ruth Thomas
Merrie Thompson
Nita Thompson
Beatrice Trevino
Sulema Trevino
John Trittin
Kenneth Turnbow
Keith Turner
Jackie Vaughn
Michael Wallace
Jodi Walraven
Randy Ware
Mike Watson
Gerry Watts
Marcia Weaver
Janet Webb
Martha Webb
Deborah Weeks
Robert Weeks
Bill West
Melanie West
Renee White (Troegle)
Shane White
Jenny Whitten
David Williams
Gary Willingham
Joanne Wilson
LaVerna Wilson
Ted Wilson
Thomas (Tommy) Wilson
Tommy Wilson
Barry Wood
Levirne Wright
Lonny Wright
Dean Yarbro
Lee Yarbrough
Debra Young
Patsi Young